Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Year: 2020
Design: Exisim
Surface: 860 sqm
Status: Concept
The Exaneca building is a concept piece of art, showcasing materials, lighting and environmental effects. During the day shot the building is visible, the details are crisp and it holds its own as an entity. In contrast to this, the night shots are more mysterious, they need to guide you towards the building as it is engulfed by fog. The lighting also affects the particle colors and this gives is even a stronger presence.
Cladirea Exaneca a fost conceputa ca arta, un studiu de materiale, lumina si efecte ambientale. In imaginea de zi detaliile sunt clare, cladirea este impunatoare si este o entitate de sine statatoare. Spre deosebire de zi, imaginile de noapte prezinta cladirea intr-un val misterios, ce trebuie sa te ghideze catre aceasta, fiind inconjurata de ceata densa. Iluminatul artificial coloreaza ceata si ii da o personalitate aparte si o presenta si mai expresiva.