Location: Bucharest, Romania
Year: 2019
Design: Dooi Studio
Rendering: Exisim / Artroom Studio
Surface: 3820 sqm
Status: Construction
Central District Viitorului 134 is a boutique project, with 40 generous apartments, divided into 2 buildings, representing the foundation of a small community, united by the same desire to share our values such as high quality of life, attention to detail and design.
The elegant brass-colored details underline the simple and elegant lines of the facades, dotted in places with French balconies and black folding canvas pergolas, similar to some precious stones that highlight the creation of an artist.
Credits: https://centraldistrict.ro/viitorului134/
Central District Viitorului 134 reprezinta un proiect boutique, cu 40 apartamente generoase, impartite in 2 imobile, reprezentand baza unei comunitati restranse, uniti prin aceeasi dorinta de a impartasi valorile legate de calitatea ridicata a vietii, atentia la detaliu si design.
Detaliile elegante de culoarea alamei subliniaza liniile simple si elegante ale fatadelor, punctate pe alocuri de balcoane frantuzesti si pergole din panza neagra, rabatabile, asemenea unor pietre pretioase ce evidentiaza creatia unui artist.